Generations Deep By Gina Birkemeier

Additional Resources for Readers
Below is a free chapter for you to download from Generations Deep, as well some lock screens I’ve created from the content in the book. You can also watch or listen to a few interviews about the book and download copies of a few of the questionnaires from Generations Deep. I hope you enjoy these free resources as you make your way toward healing and growth.

Free Chapter, Downloads, and Videos
Click below to download a PDF of the back cover summary of Generations Deep.
Click the button below to download an image of the cover of the book to use in your social media posts. #generationsdeep
While Gina Birkemeier, LPC is a counselor, the content of this website and any of the products, resources or recommendations provided by Gina Birkemeier, LPC are not intended as specific counseling advice nor are they a substitute for individual counseling. The content and products provided on this website are for informational purposes only.