My Out Loud Voice
Brave the Thorns
When the sun shines brightly to warm the earth, on what would normally be a cold-January day, I am beckoned outdoors.
One such day this past week I had the good fortune of a dear friend’s company on my adventure.
On Joy and Loss
On any given day, you will find me on a mission to discover and explore emotions. Why? Because it’s my job.
I, am a counselor. A trained ‘companion’, if you will, here to assist and accompany individuals on their journey of healing and discovery.
Embracing Discomfort: “There’s no painless route to your Promised Land”
There are times when being under the weather can have surprising benefits. Even if at first glance the benefits feel more like a metaphorical face-punch.
Yesterday was one of those times with one of those benefits.
Purpose or Paralysis
Have you ever felt drawn to something?
Ok, so not necessarily a some’thing’ but perhaps more accurately a some’what’?
It’s the some’what’ that inspires and energizes you whenever you do it. It wakes you up at night with thoughts and ideas. Plagues your thoughts throughout the day. It comes with voices like “I really want to...” Sometimes the voice is emphatic and sounds more like “I really need to....”
A Regretless Resolution
There’s something wonderful about ringing in a New Year. The mix of truly relinquishing things you would just as soon forget from the year past; fond retelling of happenings that warmed your heart or, as in my case this year, forever changed your life.